Saturday, March 15, 2008

Dynamic lookup cache

What is dynamic lookup cache?Have u used Dynamic look up in your project?


Tanya said...

Dynamic cache is generally used when u are applying lookup
on a target table and in one flow same data is coming twice
for insertion or once for insertion and once for updation.
Performance: dynamic cache decreases the performance in
comparision to static cache since it first looks in the
whole table tht whether data ws previously present if no
thn only it inserts so it takes much tym
Static cache do not see such things just insert data as
many times as it is coming.

In SCD type 1 mappings I have used Dynamic cache . In some mappings we were looking up target tables to check whether to insert or update a row .
So in order to synchronize the cache of target table look up with the changes that we make in target table we made use of a dynamic cache , so as to give more consistent results

Amm@r said...

Dynamic cache is used when our look up table is also our target table.

It is used for relational sources only and not for flat files.

It is used in SCD Type2. Concept is same. I used it for Customer dimension table!!